Thursday, January 19, 2012

Will nationalize health care end up like the DMV?

You would wait hours and when you finally went up to the counter, some girl will tell you that yours is not right. Do we really need that kind of health care??Will nationalize health care end up like the DMV?
No you get health care like the senators and congressman do. Your choice of doctors, no co-pays, no deductables, and free prescriptions.

1 in 7 hmo dollars goes to pay for the ceos. What a waste of money. Americans could get better insurance if the governemnt took it over.
Nobody has suggested that, so I can't see much validity in the question. The subject is affordable and accessable HEALTH care is, and will always remain, private. Nobody has suggested that the federal government take over the hospitals and put the doctors on the federal dime. If you have a valid argument against INSURANCE for all Americans, not just the fortunate, then let's hear it. Strawman arguments don't count.Will nationalize health care end up like the DMV?
No, we do NOT need that. And it's amazing to me that most think it's a good idea given it's proven to be a failure time and again. Also, if they knew that is just another way for the government to exert control over them--would they still champion it?
It would be worse. You don't have the hypochrondriac effect in the DMV, for all of it's flaws. Let's face it, people in the DMV actually have to be one goes to the DMV because they have that sneaking suspicion that they should check something out.

And stressed out doctors who don't get paid enough for what they do, who may just assume that...since you're paying nothing and's not that important to not cut corners. After all, they have 10,000 other patients to get to. And what are you going to do, sue the government for negligence?

And take it from someone who's been to Walter Reed you won't get the same care as a Congressman. If you think so, you are seriously deluding yourself. I know that, and you probably know that, too. They get great care because they are Congressmen. You will get Walter Reed care (and it's quite the pleasant surprise for the uninitiated.) because you are an average schmuck.

PeaceWill nationalize health care end up like the DMV?
Government run health care, works for the Soviet Union...oh...wait, they went bankrupt... A Canadian friend told me that the only reason that nationalized health care works in Canada is because people who have to wait for medical procedures for any length of time end up going to the U.S. thus releiving the burden on the Canadian health system. If we turn socialist, where will we go, Mexico?

BTW Sounds line your DMV can take some lessons from Indiana's BMV. Online registrations and renewals, each branch evaluated daily on its efficiency and friendliness. Only took me 10 minutes last time to title and register a new car with about 30 people in line ahead of me when I got there. Way to go My Man Mitch!
for the millions of us who can't afford any healthcare sure i'll take waiting in line than not getting treated at all any day. Plus those of you who have healthcare will have the option to remain with your current provider/health insurance. If we could afford to bail out Citi credit card co. for $600 Bil when they're already filthy rich then sure we can afford to help pay for people's health which is more ethical to begin with. Why should only poor Mexicans who don't even pay much taxes only get get free healthcare?!
Congressmen have nationalized health care. Why shouldn't I get the same care they get.

Isn't it like that in the private industry. Where they say they won't pay for something and there's not much a person can do about it.
what do you think you have now ? insurance company's deny care,refuse to pay for some medicines , we don't make our medical decisions now some high school grad at the insurance company does
There are long enough waits in hospitals and clinics as it is now. I can only imagine how it would be under government control. Some things just need to be taken care of by the people. We don't need the government holding our hand constantly
I could be wrong but I don't think anyone has ever actually died while waiting for the DMV.
The lines will certainly be as long. If you really want to know what it will be like just go down to your local county hospital and visit.

I took my wife's aunt recently. What an eye opener that was.

I challenge any of the libs to name just ONE government service agency that serves the citizens well and efficiently... Hmm... Amtrak? Post Office? IRS? Education?... just one, that's all I ask... we should privatize the DMV ?

Once Americans realize they should have the right to see a doctor no matter how poor they happen to be, they are going to be mad at having been denied it for so long.
What makes you think it would end up like that?

Oh, yeah, probably some Republican propaganda.
A wise man once said"Look to Canada,and England for your answer".This will financially kill our country,and end the best health care on the planet,buy Obama knows best!
I have never waited for hours at the DMV. Its usually a pretty quick turnaround. So, yeah...I'll take "that kind of health care".
Try seeing a doctor during the 12 holidays. Pick a number.
It's HEALTH INSURANCE NOT HEALTH CARE with the cost driven down by a larger pool of insured. Get it straight.
...and that is pretty much how it would actually be.
Are you suggesting we privatize the DMV?

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