Sunday, January 8, 2012

Did you went to the DMV the next day after you were done with Behind-the-Wheel training with the DS Instructor?

In CA, the state requires 25 hours or driving school lectures and 6 hours driving with instructor. Did you pass the DMV behind the wheel the first time? Is it better to train more and wait a little longer to do the test? I thiking of waiting a month.|||i remember doing my DMV rite as i finished the behind wheel training in the morning...i we to the department and passed in the first attempt...

if you dont feel comfortable in doing that, dont do that...i did it because i wanted my driving permit so badly|||its a more better to train more .. all right ?

Tambien puedes pedir que te den el examen en espanol pero si no te sientes seguro no vallas aun.

porque te vas a poner nervioso. lo mejor es que si tienes un amigo te ayude y te califique. practica un poco mas y estudia las reglas de transito del estado de California para que vallas mas seguro de lo que estas haciendo. recuerda que puedes pedir que el examen sea en espanol si eso te hace sentir mas seguro. LUCKY

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