Sunday, January 8, 2012

What happens if we file an accident report with the DMV in Oregon after 72 hours?

It's been almost 90 days since the accident. The other driver's insurance is accepting 80% of the blame for the accident and has cut us a check for 80% of the repair estimate, which came to about $2100.

It's been so many years since we've had to deal with something like this that we completely forgot to file a report with the Oregon DMV. Should we file now? Are there any penalties for not filing on time? What impact does filing with the DMV have, if any, on our driving record? Could the police get involved and issue citations to anyone? We don't know if the other driver filed an accident report.|||Ive been licensed in 3 different states in last 40 yrs and never heard of filing/reporting to DMV for an accident...

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